Monday, October 27, 2008

Mining for Dreams

Certainty declared in your face
of how the final act shall begin.

Relative is the theory:
Pain and thought.

For what could become the beginning
Is now the end.

You brought so much into this path,
And even saw the breaking that would cause.

Who could had been more wrong,
The miner or the mine?

Fool's gold will always shine,
So I leave you to dream alone.

Perplexed to what had happened.
Anxious of what went wrong.

It was that story I created...
With no intention but to adore.

In that story I abandoned...
With no intention to uphold.

At least you'll have your gold.
At least you'll get the memory.

But as far as it goes,
The pick is broken and the cart is gone.

The old miner is no more.