Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Rain on the West

In the days of muse breaks
We have to hang on tight...

It seems the rain won't go away.
The clouds darken our days.

The rain prolongs our nights.

But in the end,
I must seek shelter,
From this place.

It spreads.

Taking a toll I cannot pay;
Burdening if I don't.

The choice is made.

The horizon does not show a sunrise,
At least not in these shores.
At least not yet.

She bids me take my place,
So I play my chances on my own...

I know what is the best.

Play my chances,
Aiding my cause.

It disappoints.

Sunday, September 05, 2010

Losing Something Precious

Just sometimes...

It would seem I lose my mind.
For I cannot make sense of this world,
I cannot make choices without seeing the obvious.

Just sometimes...

I am blocked of my conscience,
I am alone and confused.
Not knowing where to pull, where to push.

Just sometimes...

You see me struggle.
But honestly, you really don't care.
Because in your world, it is only you.

Alas, two selfish souls collide.
And even love can't ease edges.
No care or tenderness can cure the pain caused.

You are what you are.
I am something that sometimes...
Just sometimes...

Spins without knowing what's going on.

I don't want to lose you.
So I must find the spinner.

I don't want to hurt you.
So I must stop the spinner.

I just want that sometimes...
In those times...

I end up where I'm suppose to be:
In your arms.