Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Beating Figures

She spoke in words of longing,
Did I answered in phrases of joy?
It was simply heartbeats flowing...

I cannot recall the day I felt,
You could not remember either...
Frozen iron ready to hammer and smelt.

You can now hear deep within the gorge:
Work it, I say, Master smith!
Bring together these dreams and forge!

Drumming... the echo goes forth running...
Up the river, down the hills,
Yet aforegoing to spend the silver.

So typical to those forgetful,
In their human nature,
To avoid remembering, to free their pores,
From those bad old deals, we all tend to come pay.

Did she speak words of longing?
I answered with phrases of gold...
They were worlds colliding.

One another into a heightened other.
She spoke, I walked...

I listened...
She followed...

Monday, February 12, 2007

A Shame No Quote

Today the voice was heard...
It came when the thought was unleashed.

Creative destruction at work.

For there is an art in picturing,
In planning...
In knowing, what can be done.

Something must have heard the thought...

Alas, so deaf I am... so ignorant...
Withdrew the focus as it spoke...

Never will I know the message.
Never will I know the means.

The moment passed without a quote to stand upon.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Would You Ever Step Aside

If you could shift the tides...

If you could make the river run backwards...

If you could stop the rain from falling...

Would you ever step aside,

And let it all flow?

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Thoughts (The Flow)

Won't stop,
The flow continues.

Thoughts betray,
Angels wither.

Hostile acts scar:

Marks for the brave,
Punishment for the penitent,
Rage for the vengeful.

- Tears can Tear Tissue -

Wait and Listen

"Listening in the presence of the Horizon,
No demon speaks or walks..."

After all...
I am the riddles of a shaken mind.

Those, which sometimes you hear.
Whispers near the river, flowing constantly.

Searching word by word a way to sea...

Wanting calmly the solitude of the shore,
The dancing grace of sandy waves.

Listen to the coming of the tide...

Bringing news it always tells of stories
From distant lands...

Oh riddles of color-mind,
What next shall you spring to life?