Sunday, December 17, 2006

Of Chaos and Hope

...Hear how my heart feeds...
...No innocence is for certain...
...Life can tell you that...

...It's your wound that one that bleeds...
...I never decided to climb the mountain...
...And I'm happy leaving it just like that...

What do you know, that I may want to know?
Ask me what warmth can I feel?
Up there, only the icy wind can blow.

Tell me what I want to hear...
Is that how it goes?

Without a returning sense of the landscape
How can I let you run loose...
Oh sweet emotion, where to you wish take me?

Bending the sound to fill the silence
I heard your voice,
It wasn't a coincidence and it wasn't fate either...

The excitement these news bring I can't deny,
But hope becomes less cheap each day...

Spawn of my own,
Look at the chaos that you brought upon the land!
Look how the land embraces you!
They adore you...
They claim you as their own...
But have they ever stopped to question,
Where do you come from?

I guess that's why they call it hope...
I guess that's why...
They call it hope...

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